In this lesson, you will learn:
Use the Shelley Cashman Book for Microsoft Excel, Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques to complete this section. It is in the Black file cabinet in the front of the room.
Create Worksheets, Cells and Creating an Embedded Chart
Complete Project 1, which includes;
- Start, Open and Close Worksheets and Workbooks
- Menu Bar, Toolbars, Formula Bar, Status Bar
- Entering Text and Numbers in Cells
- Calculating a Sum
- Using the Fill Handle
- Formatting a Worksheet
- Saving and Printing a Workbook and Worksheet
- Using Auto-Calculate
- Correcting Errors
- Help
When completed return to this page.
Complete Project 2, which includes;
- Entering Titles and Numbers into Worksheets
- Entering Formulas
- AVERAGE, MAX, MIN Functions
- Verifying Formulas With Range Finder
- Formatting: Backgrounds, Numbers, Dates, Conditional Formatting
- Spell Checking in Spreadsheets
- Column widths
- Preview and Printing Worksheets
- Displaying and Printing Formulas
- External Data from Web Sources
- Naming and Renaming Worksheets
Series, Ranges, Decisions, Intro to Charts
Complete Project 3, which includes;
- Rotating Text
- Using the Fill Handle to Create a Series
- Copying a Range of Cells
- Entering Number and Formula Symbols
- Freezing Panes
- Displaying the System Date
- Making Decisions: the IF Function
- 3-D Pie Charts
- Renaming Worksheets and Coloring their Tabs
- Spell Check Again: Multiple Sheets
- Changing Views
- What - If Analysis
- Goal Seeking