Over the next few weeks Weblesson.us links will be updated to reflect the most modern page versions and to fix broken links. The contents of this site will be moved over permanently to the Weblessons.org site. A new addition will be a "STEM" subjects section.
Again, when the work is completed this site will be moved over to Weblessons.org permanently. Thanks for your patience during this process. If you find broken links or links to better content or you have new pages that you feel should be posted please send a message to the address located in the footer below.
Weblessons - the LabsThe purpose of Weblessons is to provide free access to educational web-based resources to aid in life long learning. Ultimately we want to combat poverty and develop leaders from among those life long learners. Are you one? Although some of the computer and software development tutorials are very old they cover the foundation principals that current programs, networks and operating systems are built on. Newer versions of older products add back end services, additional security and user enhancements. The foundation skills still have to be learned and using legacy products is an in-expensive way to pick up skills. This principle does not apply to older operating systems and internet browsers however. The latest OS and browser versions have very different architectures than pre-2007 versions, although the interface principals are similar enough to learn on using an older platform. Some old file reference sheets are here for comparison, research and historic value while developing newer software. |
Computer LabComputer LabIf you need to learn computers for basic information then this is the place to start. The word "basics" does not imply that the course is easy, but indicates that these are essential skills and core knowledge for the workplace. Having these skills ensures that problems that arise from lack of knowledge or experience can be understood and remedied quickly. Read more |
GED ActivitiesIf you do not have your GED then this is a great place to start. Science, Writing, Math, Grammar, Reading and Vocabulary and more. Also located here are resources for job skills, driving tests and taking practice drills and practice exams. |
English as a Second LanguageIf you need skills in English then this is a great place to start. Also located here are resources for job skills, driving tests, citizenship, and links to ESL Web sites for further study and taking practice drills. |