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Links of Interest - Page 1

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Federal Resources for Excellence in Education - Page 1

https://www.ipl.org/federal-resources-for-education-excellence-free Federal Resources for Excellence in Education has added the following learning resources in arts, Math, science, history and social studies to its Web site. Thanks go to Meghan Maxwell for formatting this list. Chris.

Arts & Music

Let the World In: Prints by Robert Rauschenberg

https://www.nga.gov/global-site-search-page.html?searchterm=Robert+RauschenbergLooks at prints and the development of this American artist who rose to prominence in the 1950s. Rauschenberg's prints brought commonplace objects and representational images back into the avant-garde. His approach helped steer print studios in new directions. (National Gallery of Art).

Leonard Bernstein: An American Life

A guide to an 11-part documentary illuminating the life and work of one of America's greatest classical musicians, Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990). An audio overview -- and Web sites for learning about Bernstein and classical music -- are provided. (National Endowment for the Humanities) See https://www.wfmt.com/2021/03/05/bernstein-and-masur/

Moldenhauer Archives

Presents 130 music manuscripts, letters, and materials from a 3,500-item collection documenting the history of Western music from the medieval period through the modern era. Essays by musicologists discuss items from Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Handel, Liszt, Mozart, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, and other composers. (Library of Congress) See https://www.loc.gov/collections/moldenhauer-archives/articles-and-essays/guide-to-archives/

NEA Jazz in the Schools

Traces the history of jazz from its Birth in New Orleans to the swing era, bebop, and new frontiers. Five lessons include essays, videos, photos, and nearly 100 music clips of Scott Joplin, Jelly Roll Morton, Louie Armstrong, Fletcher Henderson, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Charlie Parker, Bud Powell, Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane, and others. Lessons include social and political context and are designed for history classes as well as music. (National Endowment for the Arts) See http://media.jalc.org/nea/home.php


The Great Pandemic

https://www.archives.gov/news/topics/flu-pandemic-1918 Tells the story of the 1918 outbreak of the Spanish flu, which killed an estimated 675,000 Americans and 30 to 50 million people worldwide. Learn about life in the U.S. in 1918, the nation's health and medical care, and what happened when the pandemic struck. Find out how people fought it, the legacy it left, and what happened in your state. See photos, newspapers, and other primary documents. Read biographies of key individuals. (Department of Health and Human Services)

Bound for Glory: America in Color

Is the first major exhibit of 70 color prints (1939-1943) showing the effects of the Depression on people in rural America and small towns, the nation's subsequent economic recovery, and the mobilization for World War II. (Library of Congress) See ttp:/www.loc.gov/exhibits/boundforglory/

The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900)

Offers documents and images for learning about Bell's patent for the telephone, Edison's patent for the electric lamp, Glidden's patent application for barbed wire, the Homestead Act of 1862, maps of Indian territory, child labor, and the Chinese Boycott Case. (National Archives and Records Administration) See http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/industrial-us.html

The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)

Features the 1897 petition against the annexation of Hawaii, political cartoons on progressivism and the 1912 election, woman suffrage and the 19th Amendment, the Zimmermann telegram (1917), photos of the 369th Infantry, posters from the Food Administration during World War I, the Volstead Act and prohibition documents, and the unfinished Lincoln Memorial. (National Archives and Records Administration) See http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/modern-america.html

Great Depression: Dust Bowl Migration

Includes photos, a teachers guide, and other resources for learning about the largest migration in American history. This migration occurred in the 1930s when poor soil conservation practices and extreme weather in the Great Plains exacerbated the existing misery of the Great Depression. (Library of Congress) See https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/dust-bowl-migration/

Hotchkiss Map Collection: Confederate Army Maps

Contains maps made by Major Jedediah Hotchkiss (1828-1899), a topographic engineer in the Confederate Army. Hotchkiss created detailed battle maps of the Shenandoah Valley; some were used by Generals Lee and Jackson. The collection includes maps from post-war years -- maps with information about railroads, minerals and mining, geology and history (mostly of Virginia and West Virginia). (Library of Congress) See https://www.loc.gov/maps/?q=hotchkiss+confederate+maps

National High School Essay Contest

In your essay, you will select a country or region in which the United States Foreign Service has been involved at any point since 1924 and describe, in 1,500 words or less, how the Foreign Service was successful or unsuccessful in advancing American foreign policy goals – including promoting peace – in this country/region and propose ways in which it might continue to improve those goals in the coming years.

For more information on Essay Contest Rules and Guidance please visit this page. See https://afsascholarships.communityforce.com/Funds/Search.aspx

Smithsonian Source: Colonial America

Offers primary sources and tools for using them in the classroom. Watch an anthropologist examine skeletons for clues to daily life in Jamestown. Find lessons on the Boston Massacre, Stamp Act, patriot women, Pocahontas, and money. Use questions -- built around primary documents -- to explore the clashing views of revolutionary colonists and loyalist colonists. Examine the political, religious, economic, and social reasons for the Revolution. (Smithsonian Institute) See https://learninglab.si.edu/collections/colonial-america/287Da8pzNyW875Kh

Texas Beyond History

Is a virtual museum of online exhibits, lessons, and interactive learning that covers 13,500 years of human history in Texas, from hunters to 20th century cotton farmers. Explore archeological sites and historic landmarks. See rare photos, maps, artifacts, and reconstructed scenes of the past -- more than 6,000 images. (National Endowment for the Humanities) See http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net

World War II Military Situation Maps, 1944-1945

Contains maps showing troop positions beginning on June 6, 1944, to July 26, 1945. Starting with the D-Day Invasion, the maps give daily details on the military campaigns in Western Europe, showing the progress of the Allied Forces as they push towards Germany. Some of these 416 maps and 115 reports were used by U.S. commanders. (Library of Congress) See http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/collections/maps/wwii/

History/Social Studies

Ancient World Mapping Center

Promotes cartography, historical geography, and geographical information science within the field of ancient studies. The Center is developing a community of scholars, teachers, and specialists to collaborate in the updating and expansion of the spatial and historical reference information assembled by the Classical Atlas Project. The Center also offers free digital maps of the ancient world for educational use. For most maps, a blank version suitable for quizzes and customization is provided. (National Endowment for the Humanities) See https://awmc.unc.edu/wordpress/

Islamic Manuscripts from Mali

Showcases 22 manuscripts from Timbuktu and the surrounding regions of Mali and West Africa, enabling students to understand the rich culture and society of the region. Especially noteworthy are the extensive collections of photos showing the domestic architecture, the characteristics of Islamic manuscripts, and an array of interactive maps made in Europe beginning in the 16th century. (Library of Congress) See http://international.loc.gov/intldl/malihtml/malihome.html


Is the U.S. government's Web site for teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. Whether you're buying a home, balancing your checkbook, or investing in your 401k, MyMoney.gov can help you do it better. Find important information from 20 federal agencies. See if you have "financial smarts": take the MyMoney interactive quiz. Read the national strategy for financial literacy. (Multiple Agencies) See http://www.mymoney.gov/

Revising Himself: Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass

Is a virtual tour of Whitman's life tracing the 40-year history of his famous masterpiece, from when it was first published (1855) to the ninth and final edition (1892). Depicted are selected manuscript drafts, notes for poems, information on his changing career paths, first-hand correspondence, and treasures from friends and family. The site helps show how Whitman's vision of America influenced the course of American literature. (Library of Congress) See https://www.loc.gov/search?new=true&q=walt+whitman+collection


Mark Twain Project Online

Mark Twain Project Online offers more than 2300 letters from Twain's correspondence between 1853 and 1880. The ultimate aim of this project is to produce a digital critical edition, fully annotated, of everything Mark Twain wrote. (MTPO, National Endowment for the Humanities) See http://www.marktwainproject.org/


Teaching with Data Simulations

Teaching with Data Simulations helps students visualize abstract statistical concepts and see dynamic processes behind the gathering, analysis, and interpretation of statistics. Each sample activity includes instructions, teaching tips, assessment ideas, and references. In one activity, students design a blind taste test of two sodas. In another, students learn that larger sample sizes produce better estimates and develop an appreciation for factors affecting sampling variability. (SERC, National Science Foundation)See http://serc.carleton.edu/sp/library/datasim/index.html

Calculus on the Web

Offers an interactive environment for learning, practicing, and experimenting with the ideas and techniques of calculus. It is organized in seven parts: Precalculus; Calculus I, II, and III; Linear Algebra; Number theory; and Abstract Algebra. (National Science Foundation) See http://cow.math.temple.edu//

Mathematics: Research Overview

Looks at topics of major research in Mathematics: image creation, statistics, inverse problems, CPU testing, materials and nanotechnology, proteins, random graphs, prime numbers, optimization, design, financial Mathematics, weather and climate simulation, rare events, and high-dimensional data sets. (National Science Foundation) See https://search.nsf.gov/search?query=mathematics&affiliate=nsf&search=


Pedagogy in Action

Documents more than 25 pedagogic techniques for teaching sciences to undergraduates: case-based learning, game-based learning, making and testing conjectures, peer review, quantitative writing, role playing, using spreadsheets, and others. Find more than 600 learning activities in biology, environmental science, geography, geosciences, Math, and physics. (SERC, National Science Foundation) See Pedagogy in Action http://serc.carleton.edu/sp/index.html

The Chemistry of Health

Tells how chemistry and biochemistry are increasing our understanding of human health. Learn how biochemical relays keep our organ systems operating, how food is broken down and used to build tissues and organs, and how tiny biological probes and instruments can track single molecules. Topics in the 60-page booklet include folic acid, sugars and fats, DNA, making medicines, harnessing biology's magic, and more. (National Institutes of Health) See https://nigms.nih.gov/education/Booklets/the-chemistry-of-health

Earth and Environmental Science: Research Overview

Examines questions that scientists are pursuing: What part do we play in earth's changing climate? What can rock layers tell us about earth's history? How can we understand the forces that lead to earthquakes and volcanoes? How can organisms live without sunlight? How do long-term changes affect earth's ecosystems? (National Science Foundation) See http://www.nsf.gov/news/overviews/earth-environ/index.jsp

Exploring the Environment

Features 25 online modules that put students in problem-based learning scenarios. In one module, students predict the impact of increased carbon dioxide on the wheat yield in Kansas. In another, they predict weather 48 hours in advance. Topics include coral reefs, climate change, the , mountain gorillas, rainforests, volcanoes, water quality, and ozone depletion. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) See http://ete.cet.edu/modules/modules.html

Inside the Cell

Takes students on a close-up tour of the processes occurring in our bodies. Learn about the cell's brain and skeleton, cellular rush hour, and the death of a cell. Find out about lysosomes (cell recycling centers and garbage trucks) and mitochondria (cell power plants). Read about cutting-edge cell biology research and techniques, which are featured in the 80-page booklet. (National Institutes of Health) See https://nigms.nih.gov/education/Booklets/Inside-the-Cell/

NASA Connect: Sun-Earth Day

Features teacher guides and other resources for studying sun-earth connections and celebrating Sun-Earth Day. In "Ancient Observatories," students measure the movement of the sun and find solar noon. In "Venus Transit," students learn about scale models and the "astronomical unit," which is used to determine distances from the earth to other planets and stars. In "Dancing in the Night Sky," students learn about the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) See https://sunearthday.nasa.gov/discoveries/index.php

Path of Totality: Measuring Angular Size and Distance

Examines the natural phenomena that create a total eclipse. NASA scientists and engineers introduce a satellite used to make artificial eclipses in order to learn about the sun's corona. Students measure the angular size and predict the angular distance of objects in the sky. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) See https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4515

Physics Education Technology (PhET)

Produces fun, interactive simulations of physical phenomena. More than 35 simulations let students experiment with circuits, string tension, kinetic and potential energy, radio waves and electromagnetic fields, balloons and static electricity, ideal gas and buoyancy, velocity and acceleration, sound waves and the Doppler effect, and more. (National Science Foundation) See http://www.colorado.edu/physics/phet/

Physics to Go

Is a collection of reviewed resources for teaching and learning about astronomy, electricity and magnetism, fluids, light, modern physics, motion and energy, quantum physics, and waves and pendula. (National Science Foundation) See https://www.compadre.org/informal/index.cfm

The Structures of Life

Takes us into the world of "structural biology" -- a branch of molecular biology that focuses on the shape of nucleic acids and proteins (the molecules that do most of the work in our bodies). Learn about the structures and roles of proteins, tools used to study protein shapes, how proteins are used in designing new medications (for AIDS and arthritis), and what structural biology reveals about all life processes. Find out about careers in biomedical research. (National Institutes of Health) See https://nigms.nih.gov/education/Booklets/The-Structures-of-Life

Teach the Earth

Offers hundreds of teaching activities, visualizations, and resources for teaching earth science. Categories include biosphere, climate change, energy/material cycles, geology and human health, geochemistry, hydrosphere and cryosphere, mineralogy, ocean systems, petrology, solar system, and earth history. Special sections are provided on using data and teaching quantitative skills. (National Science Foundation) See http://serc.carleton.edu/index.html

Water on the Web

Offers water science units and tools that help students understand and solve real environmental problems using advanced technology. Learn about aquatic ecology, water quality, and watersheds. See maps, summaries, and information on lakes and rivers nationwide. Use data visualization tools to watch data change through time and explore relationships among variables. (National Science Foundation) See http://waterontheweb.org/

Social Studies

Money Math: Lessons for Life

Is a teacher's guide for helping middle school Math students learn how to manage their money, stay out of debt, and save for retirement. Lesson plans, reproducible activity pages, and teaching tips are included in the 86-page guide, which draws on real-life examples from personal finance. See https://lesson.moneyinstructor.com/166/money-math-lessons.html

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Teachers and Students

Offers tips, fact sheets, and online tools for learning about the basics of saving and investing, helping students understand the importance of planning for their financial future, and identifying questions to ask about our investments. Learn about mutual funds. Try the online retirement calculator. Take an online quiz to "test your money smarts." (Securities and Exchange Commission) See http://www.sec.gov/investor/teachers.shtml See also Department of the Treasury https://www.education.ne.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/FinancialPlanningunit.pdf

NOTE: These are posted for student and staff educational & class use.