Over the next few weeks Weblesson.us links will be updated to reflect the most modern page versions and to fix broken links. The contents of this site will be moved over permanently to the Weblessons.org site. A new addition will be a "STEM" subjects section.
Again, when the work is completed this site will be moved over to Weblessons.org permanently. Thanks for your patience during this process. If you find broken links or links to better content or you have new pages that you feel should be posted please send a message to the address located in the footer below.
Welcome to the Lab Workshops! The lab programs are designed to meet your individual needs & to progress at your own pace. Because students are working in different programs and at many different levels to reach their individual goals we ask that cell phones be turned off or on silent mode for consideration of others who are concentrating on their studies. If you must answer a call, leave the classroom immediately to avoid distracting other students. The Lab hours are posted on the doors of the each specific lab. Your instructor can advise you of your personal lab schedule, breaks and/or lunch times and bathroom locations etc.. Instructors will do everything they can to help you. Classroom ProceduresNOTE: Your continuance in the class is contingent on following the agreements! Sign the forms (select the 'print' links) and return before proceeding. Please do not proceed without reading, signing and returning the forms. Lab GuidelinesPrint Here - Sign the Lab GuidelinesEnjoy using the Internet, but please follow the policy of the Computer Lab regarding its use. All computer use must be school related. Internet Use AgreementPrint Here - Sign the Computer Policy For Internet Users
Excluded (not allowed) activities are specifically:
Big No-Nos Of course no internet exploration or "research" of contraband that includes weapons, sex sites, marriage/dating service sites, hacking sites or other non “school related” sites.