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The Pushkins contact HUD.
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The Pushkins contact HUD. WIZARD: Let's see what happens if Karina and Victor use different information to make their decision. And action! Karina sits, finger poised on the mouse button. She looks at Victor. VICTOR: I think he is right. We should look for another apartment. KARINA: But they broke the law. VICTOR: Then someone else can fight them. I don't want the government to have our information. Come on, let's go. We will find another apartment. KARINA: But... VICTOR: Karina. Karina. Who knows best? He takes her hand and pulls her away. She doesn't go. KARINA: Oh, Victor. Don't be scared. Karina pushes the 'Send' button. A screen appears, "Your complaint has been submitted. Thank you." KARINA (CONTINUED): I think it will be OK. KARINA: Hello? SUE (O.S.): Can I speak with Karina Pushkin please? KARINA: This is Karina. representative extraordinaire, calls from her office. SUE: Hi. My name is Sue Blake at the local HUD office. You filed a complaint online? KARINA: (totally surprised) Yes! Yes we did. Karina waves Victor over. He listens in on the same phone. SUE: I'm calling to say it I think you have a case. KARINA: We do? SUE: Yes. A landlord cannot refuse to rent an apartment because you have children. I'd like to schedule an administrative hearing. KARINA: An administrative hearing? SUE: Yes. A meeting with an administrative law judge. It won't take very long. KARINA: When will this hearing be? SUE: Let's see...Can you make it the day after tomorrow? KARINA: The day after tomorrow?! SUE: I'm sorry, is that a problem? KARINA: No it's great. It's just...so soon. SUE: Great. I'll call you tomorrow with more details. Bye, bye. The administrative hearing is in progress. Sitting in front of the ADMINIStrATIVE LAW JUDGE are Sue, Karina, Victor and Max at one table, and LYLE GREEDO at the other. He's made an effort to make himself presentable, but his mismatched, ill fitting suit circa 1975 is not exactly haute couture. The Administrative Law Judge shuffles through his papers. ADMINIStrATIVE JUDGE: Mmm hmm. Then can you tell me, Mr. Greedo, why you told the Pushkins the apartment was rented? LYLE: See, I thought it was rented. SUE: Don't you know if your apartments are rented? After all, you are the manager. LYLE: Look, people come by every day to look at apartments. I can't remember everybody. SUE: But the Pushkins wanted the apartment! LYLE: Yeah, well, uh...their credit isn't very good. KARINA: We have good credit! ADMINIStrATIVE JUDGE: (shuffling through more papers) Their credit history is excellent. SUE: The truth is, when you heard the Pushkins had a little boy you pretended the apartment was rented. No answer from Lyle. ADMINIStrATIVE JUDGE: Is that true, Mr. Greedo? KARINA: Yes, is that true? Lyle eyes dart at his accusers. He's just dying to say it is. ADMINIStrATIVE JUDGE: Mr. Greedo? Is that true? Max chooses this moment to start banging on the table. MAX: Is - that - true! Is - that - true! Is - that - true! That sends Lyle over the edge. LYLE: Stop it! Stop it! Yeah, it's true! It's all true! That's why I didn't rent to them. And I'm happy I didn't! (pointing to Max) You want to live with that? Huh?! You want to live with that? ADMINIStrATIVE JUDGE: Mr. Greedo, that is a little boy. And you will have to live with him. And please remember, you were once a little boy, too. I find in favor of the Pushkins. They can move in immediately with a one year lease. And for their troubles, the first month's rent will be waived. LYLE: What? KARINA: (to Sue) What? SUE: That means the first month's rent is free! KARINA: Victor! Did you hear that? We won! Hugs all around. Jubilation reigns. Well, with the exception of Lyle, who glares at Max. Max decides to rub it in. MAX: (pounding on table) We won! We won! We won! Lyle glares harder. LYLE: (under his breath) Just you wait. Just you wait.