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Questions and Answers
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Episode Six - Using Information Services

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer.


Speaking Skills

1.     Who sends this letter to the Pushkins?
 Renters  Officer Smith  Officer Jones

2.    What's this?
 A Notice of Hearing  A form  A menu

3.    What is this letter about?
 A renter's complaint  A small house  Karina's baby

4.    The Office of Housing and Urban Development is also called...

5.    At what time is the appointment?
 4 a.m.  4 p.m.  9 a.m.

6.    The phone number for Officer Jones is ...
 555.8843  4 p.m.  3/16/01

7.    This letter gives the Pushkins
 a headache.  an appointment.  a new house.

8.    When is the appointment?
 3/5/01  3/16/00  3/16/01

9.    What is the date of this letter?
 3/6/00  3/5/01  5/3/01

10.  This letter is addressed to...
 Mr. Jones  Victor  Victor and Karina Pushkin
