57. What is the executive head of a city government called? ( Click)
57A. ( Click)
58. What holiday was celebrated for the first time by the American colonies? ( Click)
58A. ( Click)
59. Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence? ( Click)
59A. ( Click)
60. When was the Declaration of  Independence adopted? ( Click)
60A. ( Click)
61. What is the basic belief of the Declaration of Independence? ( Click)
61A. ( Click)
62. What is the national anthem of the United States? ( Click)
62A. ( Click)
63. Who wrote "the Star-Spangled Banner"? ( Click)
63A. ( Click)
64. Where does freedom of speach come from? ( Click)
64A. ( Click)
65. What is the minimum voting age in the United States? ( Click)
65A. ( Click)
66. Who signs bills into laws? ( Click)
66A. ( Click)

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