67. What is the highest court in the United States? ( Click )
67A. ( Click )
68. Who was the President during the Civil War? ( Click)
68A. ( Click)
69. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? ( Click)
69A. ( Click)
70. What special group advises the President? ( Click)
70A. ( Click)
71. Which President is called the "Father of our Country"? ( Click)
71A. ( Click)
72. What U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Servicies (USCIS) form is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen? ( Click)
72A. ( Click)
73. Who helped the Pilgrims in America? ( Click)
73A. ( Click)
74. What is the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America? ( Click)
74A. ( Click)
75. What were the 13 original states of the United States called? ( Click)
75A. ( Click)
76. Name three (3) rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. ( Click)
76A. ( Click)

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