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Episode Twenty - Learning to Learn

Life Skills


Read and Understand These Concepts:

Learning to Learn

Learning to learn can open many doors to success. One of the most important skills a person can acquire is the ability to learn. That is, knowing how and where to get the information or training necessary to achieve specific goals. Some people believe that learning stops as soon as you finish school or that learning can only happen in a school environment. Or, worse yet, some people believe that learning can not take place once you have reached a certain age. These are the people who often say. “I'm too old to learn.” Here are some tips to remember about learning. Use them to improve your life:

  • Learning never stops.
  • One of the most valuable skills for a person is his / her ability to learn.
  • Learning can happen in or out of a classroom.
  • Knowledge is power.
  • The more you ask, the more you will learn.