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Episode Nineteen - Tranferring Professional Degrees

Life Skills


Read and Understand These Concepts:

Transfer your degree, license or course credit from your country.

Many people who come to the United States have been professionals in their native countries or have achieved a certain level of education. Some are teachers, dentists, lawyers and doctors and could easily do those jobs here but they don't speak enough English. As a result, they are forced to take jobs as gardeners, dishwashers,etc. The good news is that it is possible to transfer professional degrees and licenses from other countries. Of course, there are restrictions and it's important to remember the following:

  • Each profession has its own requirements and rules for transferring.
  • Most professions and licenses require a passing grade on the TOEFL exam. This test measures how much English the person knows.
  • Some university and high school courses taken in the country of origin may be transferred. Speak with the school Counselor.
  • Usually there are fees involved when transferring credits or degrees.
  • A transfer of degree or license does not guarantee employment in your profession.
  • Schools, the Internet and public libraries are excellent sources to find out about transferring degrees and courses.