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Episode 20 Part 2
Conrad is at his desk. His NICK is with him. Tony and Bill enter. NICK covers face with sunglasses. CONRAD: Welcome, gentlemen! TONY: Come on, let's do this. CONRAD: What's the rush? Would you like something to drink? TONY: Just show us the papers. NICK puts the papers on the table. Conrad hands Tony a pen. CONRAD: All right. If you insist. Give them the papers. TONY: Where do I sign? CONRAD: Just sign right here. Tony is about to sign when Bill notices the tattoo on Conrad's associate. And stops Tony. BILL: Wait. TONY: Huh? TONY: Come on Bill. Let me sign. BILL: Don't sign. TONY: Why? BILL: Trust me. TONY: What are you doing? What about your medical condition? CONRAD: (impatient) What's the problem? I thought you wanted this. TONY: No problem. BILL: (pleading) Please Tony. TONY: We changed our minds. We're not selling the shop. Let's go, Uncle. CONRAD: You will regret this. Tony and Bill get up and leave. Conrad is furious. Tony and Bill walk out. BILL: Will you please tell me what's going on? TONY: They did it. BILL: Did what? TONY: They broke into our shop. BILL: How do you know? TONY: The guy at his office had a tattoo on his hand, like in the picture. Let's call the detective. TONY: Are you sure? BILL: Yes, I'm sure. TONY: But what about the money? We need the money? BILL: Don't worry about me. I'll be OK. Let's get them. Conrad is pacing up and down. NICK is with him. He is REALLY mad. CONRAD: Rats! He almost signed the papers! NICK: Tony wanted to sign the papers, Boss. CONRAD: Don't worry. They will sign. I don't care what I have to do. That shop is mine. Tony, Bill, Tipsuree, Eva, Dr. pacheco and the detective are talking. DETECTIVE: So how do you know this guy Conrad is behind the robbery? BILL: The snake tattoo we saw in the surveillance picture belongs to his partner. I saw it on his wrist. DETECTIVE: That's not really enough. EVA: But I think there's a lot more to the story, Detective. Tell them, honey. DR. PACHECO: Well, it seems Mr. Conrad found out this area is going to be developed by a major company. They want to turn this into a huge medical facility. TIPSUREE: Oh, so how would that help out Conrad? DR. PACHECO: This company has to buy all the property in the area before they can start their project. TONY: So Conrad buys it cheap and then sell it to the company for a lot more. EVA: Oh, yeah. I mean, those deals are worth millions. TIPSUREE: Is that enough proof, detective? DETECTIVE: It sure is. TONY: I know they will be back. I'm going to upgrade our security system with better cameras. EVA: (she knows the plan) Yes, can't you hook them up to one of those police vans? You'll be able to see everything that happens. TIPSUREE: ...and as soon as the robbers come in... BILL: You catch them. DETECTIVE: Wait a minute. You guys are asking me to hook up a special police surveillance right near your shop? With all due respect, but, um, I think you've been watching too many movies. DR. PACHECO: Come on, Detective. If you catch this criminal in the act, your department will look very good. DETECTIVE: You're not even sure when they will be back. TONY: Oh, they will be back. I know it. EVA: Do it for the community. DETECTIVE: Okay, Tony. You take care of the surveillance. And I'll see about hooking it up to one of the vans. TONY: Yeah. DETECTIVE: You do know about cameras, right? TONY: Yes, I do. Let's do it. Everyone is excited about the plan.