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Episode 18 Part 2
Tony rushes into the Nurse's Station. TONY: Hi, I'm Tony Park, Michael's father. Where is he? Is he okay? NURSE: Please calm down, Mr. Park. Your son is fine. He's right here. TONY: Michael. MICHAEL: Hi, Dad. Michael is happy to see dad. TONY: Are you okay? MICHAEL: Uh, I think so. Uh, can we go home? TONY: So what happened? MICHAEL: Nothing. TONY: What do you mean, nothing? TEACHER: Hi. I'm Norman Hill, Michael's teacher. You must be Michael's father. TONY: Yes, I am. So, what happened? Teacher describes what happened. TEACHER: How can I say this nicely? Michael got into a fight. TONY: A fight, Michael? But how? TEACHER: Let me explain. He reaches for some dolls and on the desk (table)... TEACHER: This is Michael. And next to Michael is Joey. And in front of Michael is Lisa. And behind Michael is Brian. And they all make fun of Michael. And Michael got angry. And they fought. TONY: But why were they making fun of you Michael? TEACHER: Michael is having trouble with his schoolwork. But I don't know why. Michael is a very bright kid. This is what we're trying to figure out. TONY: What trouble? (to Michael) Michael? What's wrong? I want to go home, Dad. TONY: Yes, we are going home right now. So you explain what happened.. Thank you, Mr. Hill. TEACHER: Any time. They get up. They leave. TONY: Let's go. Tony and Eva talk about Michael. EVA: So, Michael is OK? TONY: Yes, but he was in a fight. EVA: Oh, really! TONY: Oh, he's not hurt. He was only bleeding from here. (Points to his nose.) EVA: Why is Michael getting into a fight with other children? TONY: I don't know. And his teacher doesn't know either. That's what I want to figure out. But Michael isn't talking. Suddenly TIPSUREE, an intelligent, warm, attractive Asian woman walks in. Tony stares in awe. TIPSUREE: Hi, Eva. EVA: Hi, Tipsuree! TIPSUREE: My class got out early. I came by to say hello. EVA: Tipsuree, have you met Tony? Tony can only stare. TIPSUREE: No. Hi Tony. My name is Tipsuree. I'm from Thailand. TONY: Oh, Tipsuree. Nice name. Nice to meet you. TIPSUREE: Thanks. Nice to meet you, too. EVA: Tipsuree transferred last year from a school in San Francisco. Um, she's in the advanced class. TONY: Really? Maybe one day, I'll be in advanced class. EVA: Very soon, Tony. TIPSUREE: So how long have you been here, Tony? TONY: Three years. And you? TIPSUREE: Five years. TONY: Five years. Your English is so good. Tony and Tips walk out together. TIPSUREE: Thank you. So, You own a sandwich shop? TONY: Yes. My father and my uncle opened it five years ago. It was their dream. But my father died three years ago. TIPSUREE: Oh, I'm sorry. Is that why you came to the United States? TONY: Yes, I came to take my father's place and help my uncle. TIPSUREE: So do you like owning a shop? TONY: Oh, I do. (HORN HONKS) I'm sorry. Do you need a ride home? TIPSUREE: No, thank you. My sister will pick me up. TONY: This is my number. Maybe we can have coffee sometime?. TIPSUREE: Sure. TONY: Okay. How about tomorrow? TIPSUREE: Tomorrow. Okay. Let me check my schedule at home and I'll give you a call later. Okay? TONY: OK. Bye. Bye. She leaves. Tony has been bitten by the love bug.