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Questions and Answers
Translate a Word
Episode Twenty - Learning to Learn

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer.


Speaking Skills

1.   What is this?
 a letter  a lunch menu  a sandwich

2.  How much are sodas?
 $1  25%  2 for 1

3.  How much is half a sandwich and soup of the day?
 $1  $4.00  $3.50

4.  When do you get 25% off all sandwiches?
 Sundays  Mondays  Mornings

5.  How many specials can you buy with $10?
 One  Two  Three

6.  The name of the sandwich shop is
 Park's Deli.  Tony's.  Delicious.

7.  How many specials can you buy with $10 on Mondays?
 One  Two  Three

8.  Park's Deli
 delivers on Monday.  doesn't deliver.  delivers.

9.  How much is a roast beef sandwich?
 $3  $4.50  $1

10.  If you pay $7.00 for two sandwiches, how much do you pay for 3?
 $7  $10.50  $3.50
