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Questions and Answers
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Episode Seventeen - Accessing Learning Opportunities

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer.


Speaking Skills

1.  Who is this registration for?
 Korea  Tony Park  Room 233

2.  What is the name of the class?
 Beginning ESL  ESL  Room

3.  Where was Tony born?
 Los Angeles  Santee  Korea

4.  What is the room number for Tony's class?
 211  112  90002

5.  What is Tony's phone number?
 555-6677  1320  90002

6.  Where does Tony live?
 Los Angeles  Chicago  Santee

7.  When does Tony go to ESL class?
 Mondays  Tuesdays  Mondays to Thursdays

8.  Who is Tony's teacher?
 Mrs. Loya  Eva  Conrad

9.  What is Tony's last name?
 Santee  Park  Angeles

10.  What is his zip code?
 555-6677  213  90002
