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Tony decides to take the test.
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Tony decides to take the test. ABROCADABRO: And action! TONY: I want to be a pharmacist here. I'm going to work very hard to get a good score on the TOEFL Exam. MICHAEL: Good. And I'll help you study, Dad. (LATER) What. TONY: What did we eat last night. MICHAEL: Where. TONY: Where did we eat last night. MICHAEL: Good. Tony studies with Michael. Phone rings. TONY: Hello? TIPSUREE: Hi, Tony. It's Tipsuree. I just wanted to wish you good luck. TONY: Thank you Tipsuree. TIPSUREE: So are you nervous? TONY: A little bit. TIPSUREE: Don't worry. I know you will do well. TONY: I hope so. Tony takes test. Same PROCTOR is there supervising. But she's the nicest lady in the world. PROCTOR: Good luck. BILL: (WITH LETTER) This one is for you. It looks official. Tony gets the anxiously awaited letter. TONY: This is the... TIPSUREE: The results of your test? Open it. Tony opens it. Makes a sad face. What? TONY: I made it!! Oh, it says I got 610. BILL: So now you are pharmacist here? TONY: Not yet. I still have a long way to go. But I know I can do it. TIPSUREE: I'm so proud of you!! Everyone is gone. Bill sits with Tony and hands him an envelope. BILL: Tony, I need to talk to you. TONY: Okay. BILL: I just got this. The doctor wants me to start new treatment. This is how much the treatment will cost. Tony looks at the amount. TONY: Wow, a lot of money. But you have insurance right? BILL: I do. But insurance doesn't cover this yet. This is new. I really don't have to do this, I guess. TONY: Oh, Uncle Bill. Of course you should do it. Then I think... BILL: No Tony. Don't think about it. TONY: No, we must sell the sandwich shop. BILL: No there must be another way. TONY: I will not have it. BILL: Tony. Tony pauses for a moment then gets the phone. TONY: Don't worry. We'll be okay. (ON PHONE) (to phone) Mr. Tran-za? Yes. This is Tony Park. We are ready to sell the shop.