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On the job, women and men have rights that protect them from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is illegal as well as offensive. There are workplace laws that define sexual harassment as any unwelcome sexual comments and visual or physical sexual behaviors on the job. Sexual harassment may include physical touching or blocking the movement of another person. Also, graphic comments about a person's body or writing sexual comments or notes is not allowed. Even a poster or picture of sexual images is considered sexual harassment. Expressing sexual interest repeatedly is also considered illegal.
Finally, offering benefits such as money or a better job after sexual contact is against the law. Studies show that 50% to 75% of women employed will experience some kind of sexual harassment on the job, regardless of age, appearance, class or dress. It is important to not ignore sexual advances on the job. People who experience sexual harassment should try to find out if other employees have had the same problem, and also seek assistance from a legal services organization. There are laws that protect victims of sexual harassment.