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Episode Sixteen - Women in Non-Traditional Roles

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer


1.  What types of jobs pay women more money?
 non-traditional jobs  traditional jobs  teaching, child care, and secretary

2.  Which group of people owns more businesses today?
 men  women  non-traditional employees

3.   What industry is the fastest growing for women in non-traditional occupations?
 teaching  sales  engineering

4.  What chance does a young woman have today of becoming financially responsible for her children?
 20%  90%  10%

5.  In the ___, women's primary role was to maintain the home and take care of her family.
 past  future  coming years

6.  Which occupation is considered non-traditional for women?
 cashier  teacher  business owner

7.  25% of all ___ are women.
 computer analysts  presidents  hair dressers

8.  How much more money can a woman in a non-traditional occupation earn compared to a woman in a traditional occupation?
 20%-30%  50%-60%  10% -15%

9.  What does 'non-traditional' mean?
 the way things have been done for many years  different from the way things were done in the past  the best way to do things

10.  Most ___ are men.
 government officials  nurses  hair dressers
