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Episode Fourteen - Women's Changing Roles

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer


1.  How many mothers work outside the home?
 one quarter  one half  three quarters

2.  Women earn ___.
 just as much as men  half as much as men  about 72% as much as men

3.  How many women work today?
 25%  More than 60%  More than 95%

4.  What portion of managers are women?
 30%  40%  70%

5.  To maintain a family today, ___.
 only the man works  only the woman works  both the man and woman work

6.  In the past, who was responsible for financial support of the family?
 the men  the women  both men and women

7.  What portion of women today do not have children?
 10%  35%  50%

8.  What portion of military personnel are women?
 5%  10%  15%

9.  Today, the role of women is ___.
 taking care of the children  the same as always  very different from the past

10.  Who does most of the housework today?
 women  men  servants
