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Questions and Answers
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Episode Ten - Dealing with the Law

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer


Speaking Skills

1.  What kind of napkins does Tshombe need?
 Pink  White  Yellow

2.  How many lemons does Tshombe need?
 20 lemons  20 bags  20 pounds

3.  How much sugar does Tshombe need for one week?
 5 pounds  10 pounds  20 pounds

4.  What kind of 24 oz. cups does Tshombe need?
 Thin plastic  Thick plastic  Regular plastic

5.  How many 12 oz. cups does Tshombe need?
 200  100  300

6.  How much water does Tshombe need?
 20 bags  20 gallons  20 bottles

7.  What's this?
 A shopping list  A letter  A laundry list

8.  How many spoons does Tshombe need?
 2 bags  3 bags  4 bags

9.  How much sugar does Tshombe need?
 10 kilos  10 pounds  20 pounds

10.  How long will these supplies last?
 One week  One month  Two weeks
