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Questions and Answers
Translate a Word
Episode Nine - Dealing with Taxes



Read and understand this lesson.


'Make' and 'Do' are verbs we use to express accomplishment. Generally, we use 'do' and 'does' for activities. For example: We do the shopping. We do the laundry.

We use 'make' when we create something that wasn't there before. For example: We make dinner. We make furniture. 'Do' is also a helping verb we use to ask questions in the simple present tense.

Count and Noncountable Nouns

Nouns are words we use in English to name people, places, animals, things, or ideas. There are two types:

Count Nouns you can count. They usually take an 's' or 'es' for the plural.
Example one table, two chairs, three books
Noncountable Nouns you cannot count.
Example Lemonade, water, oil. For these you could count the containers instead. For instance: two glasses of lemonade, three bottles of water, a gallon of oil.
Count Nouns
Singular Plural
Use 'a' or 'one..
A table
One table
Use two, three, etc. Use also: some, a lot of, many, a few two tables, three books, some tables, a lot of books, many chairs, a few students.
Noncountable Nouns
Singular Plural
Don't use 'a' or 'one' A non-count noun does not have a plural form. Use some, a lot of, much, a little. Some lemonade, a lot of water, much oil, a little sugar.
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