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Episode Eight - Men's Changing Roles

Special Skills Activity


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Speaking Skills

 The Pushkins live in apartment number
 4  1  12

 What do the Pushkins want the manager to do?
 Read their letter  Call them  Fix the problem

 What's this?
 A receipt  A ticket  A letter

 Lyle Greedo is...
 the manager.  the owner.  the president.

 This letter is addressed to...
 the owner.  Lyle Greedo.  the president.

 Lyle Greedo is in apartment number
 5  4  1

 The date of this letter is...
 4/2/2000  4/15/2001  4/15/2002

 What is the problem in the Pushkin's apartment?
 There is no hot water  There are no pets  Nothing

 Who signs the letter?
 The Pushkins  Lyle Greedo  The owner

 This letter is from...
 HUD.  the Pushkins.  the manager.
