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Episode 3 Part 2
There's commotion. ALEJANDRO is on the floor with a broken shelf and several industrial sized cans of food on top of his lower body. COSMO MILLER, ELSI, and REZA are there -- the latter two are picking up cans off of Alejandro. The two paramedics enter. Alejandro is in pain, but he's conscious. He sees the paramedics. ALEJANDRO: No, I don't need an ambulance. I'll be OK. He tries to get up, but he MOANS in agony. ALEJANDRO: Oh, my leg! PARAMEDIC #1: Sir, just lie still. What happened? ALEJANDRO: I walked into the back room. I noticed that the shelf was loose, so I screwed it in but the shelf broke and it fell on me. COSMO MILLER: That's not true. He broke that shelf. He's a liar. ALEJANDRO: I don't want to go to the hospital. I don't have enough money. PARAMEDIC #1: Don't worry about the money right now. The restaurant must have insurance. Cosmo Miller's eyes widen when he hears this. COSMO MILLER: (Laughs) No no no no no no, no, I'm not paying for his hospital bill. He's a liar He quit this afternoon and got another job. PARAMEDIC #1: Now is not the time to argue, sir! COSMO MILLER: I'm just letting you know that if you lie about what happened, I will take you to court. I am not paying for 1 cent of your medical care. Alejandro moans in pain. The Paramedics lower the gurney. They get Alejandro on the gurney and roll him out. Alejandro in a wheelchair, with SOFIA and a NURSE. Alejandro is upset. ALEJANDRO: I can't believe I broke my leg. SOFIA: You're lucky it's only a broken leg. NURSE: And it's not a bad break, Alejandro. It will heal soon. ALEJANDRO: But my new job starts in two weeks! And my boss blames me for the accident. How am I going to pay for this? NURSE: Your boss has Workers' Compensation, which will pay for your injuries. ALEJANDRO: Workers' Compensation? What is that? NURSE: Workers' Compensation is insurance. Your employer will pay for medical care in four different situations. NURSE (CONTINUED): The first situation is when you are hurt on the job. This is what you should get, Alejandro. It pays for the ambulance... NURSE (CONTINUED): hospital... NURSE: medication... NURSE: ...time off from work and other related costs. NURSE; The second type of care you can get is for Rehabilitation. Care that helps you get well. NURSE: A third type of care is for a permanent injuries. An Employer has to pay for the new job training a worker needs. NURSE: A fourth situation relates to death on the job. ALEJANDRO: Death? NURSE: Unfortunately people sometimes die on the job. And when a worker dies, the worker's family gets help. ALEJANDRO: Wow! Workers' Compensation is great, but I know my boss won't pay for anything. NURSE: He has to. It's the law. You have rights, Alejandro. If your boss gives you any trouble, you can call the State Division of Workers' Compensation. They have information and assistance offices there to help. ALEJANDRO: How can I get in touch with them? NURSE: You can find their number in the government section of the telephone book or on the internet. ALEJANDRO: Thank you. We'll call them first thing in the morning. NURSE: One more thing. It's possible you will have to go to court. ALEJANDRO: Go to court? With a judge? NURSE: Sometimes you have to fight for your rights. ALEJANDRO: Fight? SOFIA: In court all you have to do is tell the truth. ALEJANDRO: Yes. Tell the truth. COSMO MILLER is on the phone COSMO MILLER: Never. I will never pay for Alejandro's bill. MS. PARSONS is a no-nonsense woman. Strong-willed and determined. Alejandro and Sofia are seated in front of her. MS. PARSONS: Well, Mr. Miller, perhaps you and Mr. Cordero will have to go to court to solve this. COSMO MILLER: It was all his fault. And he was drunk! Ms. Parson's hangs up. MS. PARSONS: Mr. Cordero, we tried everything, and your boss insists that you lied about what happened. ALEJANDRO: Really? There's no other way? MS. PARSONS: Mr. Cordero, if what you said happened is the truth, you have nothing to worry about. All you have to do is tell the truth. Alejandro and Sofia look at each other semi-defeated.