26. Who makes the laws of the United States? ( Click)
26A. ( Click)
27. What is Congress? ( Click)
27A. ( Click)
28. What are the duties of Congress? ( Click)
28A. ( Click)
29. Who elects Congress? ( Click)
29A. ( Click)
30. How many senators are there in Congress? ( Click)
30A. ( Click)
31. Can you name two (2) Senators from your state? ( Click)
31A. ( Click)
32. For how long do we elect each  Senator? ( Click)
32A. ( Click)
33. How many Representatives are there in Congress? ( Click)
33A. ( Click)
34. For how long do we elect the Representatives? ( Click)
34A. ( Click)
35. What is the Executive Branch of our government? ( Click)
35A. ( Click)
36. What is the Judiciary branch of our government? ( Click)
36A. ( Click)

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