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Questions and Answers
Translate a Word
Episode Nineteen - Tranferring Professional Degrees

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer.


Speaking Skills

1.    Where is Bill from?
 Mexico  Korea  Los Angeles

2.    What is Bill's last name?
 Madrigal  William  Park

3.    What is this?
 a prescription  a medical history form  a registration

4.    Where does Bill live?
 Los Angeles  Chicago  Santee

5.    Bill doesn't have
 high blood pressure.  diabetes.  heart condition.

6.    What is the date on the form?
 May 17, 2001  555.6677  Diabetes

7.    Bill is at
 the hospital.  the bank.  the shop.

8.    Who is this for?
 Tony Park  Michael Park  Bill Park

9.    Does Bill have problems with his heart?
 Yes  No  I don't know.

10.    Who is the doctor?
 Michael  Tony Park  Dr. Madrigal
