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Episode One - Job and Career Advancement

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer


Life Skills

1.    Where is the job?
 Los Angeles  Arizona  Beverly Hills
2.    What is this?
 A newspaper  A help wanted ad  A work schedule
3.    How much does the position pay?
 $200 a week  $50 a day  Excellent salary
4.    What kind of job is it?
 It's for a busboy  It's for a manager  It's for an assistant manager
5.    What shifts does the position require?
 All shifts  The morning shift  The night shift
6.    What do you do to apply for a position?
 Talk to the manager  Send a letter  Make an appointment
7.    What kind of restaurant is offering the job?
 Mexican  American  Joe
8.    How many languages does the applicant need to speak?
 One  Two  Three
9.     How much experience does the job require?
 At least 10 years  More than 2 years  At least 5 years
10.   Who do you ask for to make the appointment?
 Joe  Bob  Dave
